Frequently Asked Questions
Blasting is required to breakup and fracture the bedrock so proposed excavations can occur to the desired elevations. Blasting is often the only economical option to break the rock for excavation.
Seismographs are placed at the site to monitor vibration levels. The seismograph is typically placed at the closest home or structure. Additionally, blasting operations must be carried out in such a manner that they will not cause fly rock or damage from the air blast overpressure or ground vibrations.
Typical blasts are less than 10 seconds long.
Written notifications and offers for preblast inspections are sent out to specific property owners located within a certain radius of the proposed blasting areas. If you have not received a notice, you are most likely located outside of the predetermined radius. The actual distance varies and is typically determine by governmental regulatory authorities.
Your ability to hear the blasting warring signals before each blast will depend on a lot of factors. The warning signals are very loud and can be heard at long distances. However, the intent of those signals is to warn those closest to the blast area. The distance at which you can hear the signal will depend on other construction noise, man made and natural barriers, the direction of the wind, if your windows are open/ closed, etc.
Please contact us at 610-279-9500
At Rock Work Inc. we use Darda C20 Rock Splitters. They specialize in high quality and safety for projects. They are good for quickly breaking large boulders as well as solid rock. C20 Rock Splitters are also quieter and safer than demolition or explosives.
If you have questions about our rock splitting services, feel free to fill out our contact form to request an estimate.
Darda C20 Rock Splitters specialize in breaking solid rock and large boulders in a quick and efficient manner. At Rock Work, we utilize this rock splitter C20 so that we can offer the best service to our clients.
For additional information about the use and effects of commercial explosives, please visit