Featured Projects

Chappaqua, NY Site Work for High End Residential Subdivision
Drilling and blasting was required for trench and bulk rock excavations for a high end residential project which had new homes priced in excess of 3 million dollars.

Montrose, PA Marcellus Shale Well Pads
Multiple well pads and access roads were drilled and blasted to create access for the large drill rigs which would drill the wells for natural gas extraction. These projects were always fast tract and at times involved drilling and blasting in excess of 75,000CY of rock to create a level well pad.

Columbia County, PA Landfill Expansion
Drilling and blasting was required for the expansion of a Landfill cell. Blasting was required so the desired grade could be achieved and that the protective underground liners could be installed. During the blasting events, it was important to make sure rock did not damage any exposed liners covering the adjacent landfill cells already filled with trash.

Eagle, PA Master Plan Subdivision
This master planned community has taken over a decade to build and consists of thousands of homes. The most recent phase completed involved blasting in excess of 20,000CY of diabase and granitic gneiss, all located within 150 feet of a high pressure gas transmission line supplying a power plant in Philadelphia, PA. This 60 year old, thin walled pipe, with less than 18 inches of cover in some areas, required extraordinary precautionary measures for its protection. Electronic detonators were utilized along with a very stringent blast loading plan. Pipeline representatives were onsite for every blast and observed the loading of every blasthole.

Wilmington, DE Above Ground Aqueduct
This historic aqueduct supplies freshwater from the Brandywine River to the City of Wilmington’s Water Treatment Plant which provides drinking water. Large amounts of Brandywine Granite were encountered in the floor of the canal which needed to be removed so a new concrete liner could be installed. Blasting was not allowed so relief drilling and hydraulic splitting were used successfully to remove the large amounts of rocks. Rock Splitter holes were drilled quickly and efficiently with our Maverick Mini-Drill.

Randolph, NJ Residential Subdivision
Significant amounts of blasting were required for the construction of this new 100+ home subdivision which was surrounded with existing homes. Drilling and blasting was required for the basin excavation, yard areas, retaining wall geogrid areas, underground utilities, and basement excavations. Drilling and blasting took place within 80 feet of existing structures. There were significant amounts of coordination with the project owner, local police, local fire officials, and the state blasting inspectors.

Lebanon County, PA Warehouse
When completed, this project will have a warehouse distribution center in excess of 1,000,000 SF under one roof. Significant amounts of rock were encountered in the underground utility excavations. Because of the building’s size, and the roof leader systems, there were significant amounts of large diameter storm sewer pipe. Two crews were eventually mobilized to complete the blasting as fast as possible to avoid blasting near freshly poured footers and slabs for the building.

Princeton, NJ New Church
Significant amounts of extremely hard diabase rock were encountered on this project. Large surface boulders were underlain with massive bedrock. Blasting was required for the storm water management basin, building footers, and utility excavations. This project involved the use of blasting mats to help with rock fragmentation and to prevent fly rock.

McAdoo, PA PENNDOT SR 81 Bridge Foundation
After the bridge contractor was unsuccessful hammering the rock with a 10,000lb hammer, relief drilling was utilized to weaken the rock in a proposed bridge pier foundation for a new bridge that went over railroad tracks. The closely spaced holes gave relief for the rock to break. Additionally, holes were also drilled for neat line excavation control around the perimeter of the excavation. These holes were smaller in diameter and were drilled at a closer spacing.

Franklin Lakes, NJ Master Planned Community
This project involved the redevelopment of an existing golf course located in a very desirable suburb of New York City with over 300 new homes. Test drilling for this project began during the design phase of the project to help understand and minimize conflicts with rock. Blasting was required for basements, trenches, basins, and the wet well. Additionally, the glacial Till over the bedrock has some extremely large boulders which were split with a rock splitter.

Lehigh Valley, PA Industrial Warehouse
Two large warehouses, totaling over 1.2 million square feet were built on this 90 acre site. Significant amounts of rock were encountered in the bulk excavation for the main building. Four drills were mobilized to meet the demanding schedule and stay ahead of the very large and efficient dirt crews moving the material.

King of Prussia, PA Village at Valley Forge
This 122 acre, massive mixed use project initially started as a test drilling project to find and identify pinnacle limestone common in this area. Rock was encountered which required drilling and blasting for the underground infrastructure and bulk rock excavations to support the construction of the King of Prussia Town Center, 1000's of apartments, dozens of stores/restaurants, town homes, and a Wegmans.